As with other psychological therapies, confidentiality is an important aspect in art therapy. In almost every instance, the information you bring and share in art therapy, including your artwork, is private and confidential.

Knowing that you can say anything to your therapist and it will remain in the room helps you feel safe and builds trust between you and the therapist. For this reason, all therapists are legally and ethically bound to keep their sessions confidential and not share with anyone else what was talked about. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, if your therapist has reason to believe that you are a danger to yourself or others, she or he must break that confidence in order to make sure that you and/or others are safe. That can include specific threats, disclosure of child abuse where a child is still in danger, or concerns about elder abuse.

There may also be times when you would like your therapist to consult with someone else about your treatment, such as your doctor or psychiatrist, in order to coordinate care or clarify information. In cases such as these, your therapist should get your written permission to release information about you to the other party.