Art therapy on the Gold Coast 

Hello… and welcome. I’m Emma, a creative and compassionate art therapist with an insatiable desire to help you and your loved ones live their best possible life. That is why I created this practice, this space, to hold this time for you to discover, create, and be the you that you are destined to be…
My therapeutic approach is gentle, curious, collaborative, relationship-focused and most importantly client-centred. I wholeheartedly believe that every client is unique and the expert of their own life, bringing with them individual goals and lived experiences. This is why I adjust my methods and modalities to ‘tailor make’ each new session. My goal is to provide you a warm, safe, non-judgmental and colourful space so that we can explore any emotional, behavioural or interpersonal challenges. Together!
I have a special interest in working with people of all ages who are experiencing feelings related to grief and loss, as well as individuals who seek help and healing from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). I understand from personal experience the negative impacts that these can have on a young person’s life. However, I believe my own experiences have brought me here today and offer a valuable insight and empathy to the therapeutic relationship.
In addition to grief, loss and adverse childhood experiences, evidence proffers that effective and professionally facilitated art therapy can improve the health and well-being of children and adults who are dealing with a myriad of life’s challenges. In one-on-one sessions with myself we can collaboratively address challenges such as anxiety, spectrum disorders, trauma resolution, addictions, attention disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, physical illness, attachment issues, relationship or social difficulties and low self-esteem to name a few. Or… perhaps you’re simply seeking a safe space and a friendly face for some therapeutic self-expression! Either way, I am here waiting to walk alongside you. Perhaps a chat is a good place to start. If so, please feel free to book a complimentary discovery call now by hitting the ‘Book An Appointment’ button above. Or you can try me now on 0481 258 118.
I really look forward to hearing from you,
Emma x
“Our wounds are often the opening into the best
and most beautiful part of us.”
– David Richo

Play based therapy for children
Interplay is a dyadic, play based therapy that nurtures, repairs and heals the parent-child attachment. This non-directive, relationship focused, play therapy provides a safe space for self-expression so that together we can explore all the feelings, thoughts and behaviours linked to past experiences.